What To Do If You Were Recently Diagnosed With Glaucoma


Glaucoma diagnosis in Wilmington, NCA glaucoma diagnosis can be scary. If you have recently been diagnosed with glaucoma, you probably have many questions and do not know exactly how to proceed. The important thing is that you do not ignore your diagnosis — if left untreated, glaucoma can cause irreversible vision loss and even blindness. Your priority is to make sure that the “Silent Thief of Sight” does not steal your precious vision.

The team at Intracoastal Eye is here to offer help and reassurance. Read on as we explain the steps you should take after first discovering you have glaucoma.

Find a Knowledgeable Eye Doctor

One of the first things you should do when diagnosed with glaucoma is establish care with qualified professionals who can manage your condition. Find a knowledgeable ophthalmologist like Dr. Gregory Johnson or optometrist like Dr. Gail Kelley, who specialize in the treatment and management of glaucoma. Our doctors can make sure you are properly examined and assessed.

Depending on how advanced your disease is, you may want to look for other vision specialists to support you and help you cope with your disease. For example, if you have already lost a lot of vision, a low vision therapist or vision rehabilitation center can help you find special devices or techniques to help maximize your remaining vision.

Ask Questions

Next, you want to learn as much about your condition as you can. Be your own advocate and ask your eye doctor lots of questions. Specifically, you should ask about the type of glaucoma you have and how far it has progressed. You should learn about behaviors or things that can make your glaucoma worse and signs to watch for that would suggest the disease has advanced. You should have an idea of how frequently you will be monitored by your doctor.

Of course, you will want to ask questions about your treatment options, which include the use of medicated eye drops, laser therapy and traditional surgery. Your eye doctor should explain to you that although glaucoma can be managed, it cannot be completely cured.

Comply With the Recommended Treatment Plan

Once your eye doctor has assessed your condition and developed a plan to manage your glaucoma, compliance is key. Usually the first line of defense is prescription eyedrops to control intraocular pressure. Use the drops every day as indicated, without exception. Some patients get careless about using their drops because they don’t have noticeable symptoms or they experience side effects. However, it is essential that you follow your doctor’s recommended treatment plan to keep your glaucoma under control and prevent future vision loss.

If you have been recently diagnosed with glaucoma and are looking for an experienced, compassionate provider to manage your care, request an appointment with Dr. Johnson or Dr. Kelley via phone or email today.